Academic Super Bowl Team

Description: The team consists of squads in the following subject areas: English, Fine Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. The season begins in early December and runs through April or May depending on whether a squad qualifies for state competition.

Activities: Squads are involved in competition throughout the academic season. Each squad studies material related to the theme for that year.

Requirements: Open to all students. You must attend before or after school practices and three after-school meets as well as read and study prior to competitions.

Lettering Requirements: After two years as a team member, you receive an academic letter. Each subsequence year members can earn numerals, team patch, and a chevron.

Moderator: Jennifer Long,

Speech Team

Description: Competitive Public Speaking, Writing, & Acting

Activities: Flexible Weekly Practices and Meets Held on Saturdays from November - March. Students may choose to attend as many or as few meets as they choose.

Requirements: Speech is open to all students. 

Moderator: Chad Chenowith,

Spell Bowl Team

Practice Times: The Spell Bowl Team will hold its meetings before school from 7:30 am - 7:50 am every Monday and Friday throughout the Spell Bowl season. 

Description: Spell Bowl runs from the start of school until the beginning of November. The Spell Bowl Team is a team effort. Each meet consists of 10 rounds. Each round consists of one team member writing down 9 given words. The total score of all 10 rounds combined determines the team’s placement at the meet. 

Requirements: Open to all grade levels. You must attend before-school practices and 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm after-school meets. There is a list of approximately 3500 words that students will study for the competitions. 

Lettering Requirements: The first successfully completed season, the team member will receive a Spell Bowl patch and a rocker for the patch depicting the year completed. Each subsequent year completed, the team member will receive an additional rocker for their patch depicting the year completed. 

Moderator: Jill Schriner,